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New! Select your sessions in advance of SummitSession selection begins March 10th, 4 p.m. ET and is first come, first served.

This digital program is for all things Spring Summit 2025! 

Session Selection is OPEN! You may select your sessions starting March 10th at 4pm ET. 

You will need to select one session for each round, either a Workshop, Fireside Chat or Improvement Review. All sessions have capacity limits and will fill up, though we will be taking a waitlist. To help with session selection use the filters on the lower right to help you find sessions that match your interests.

Note: It is possible to select a session and then change it if you change your mind and also add your name to a wait list. If you add your name to the waitlist for a session, you will not be able to add another session in that Round to your schedule. To add an alternate session, please remove yourself from the waitlist. When a spot becomes available, you will receive an email from Sched.

An overview of the Summit Schedule:

Above all else Spring Summit is:

A gathering to deepen our relationships and our learning, sharpen our collective focus on results, and step into our next chapter, together. We will be meeting in more intimate groups, and engaging in interactive experiences, reflection, and dialogue. Workshops will provide a space to learn  from each other and dream together. Improvement Reviews and Fireside Chats with innovators and leaders in our field will offer new perspectives and push our work to the next level. Design your own Summit journey:

  • Workshops to advance our individual and collective knowledge and skill. Learn from colleagues who are:

    • seeing results.  We will showcase these stories from a diverse set of improvers who are making a significant impact on student lives and on educational systems at the classroom, school, system, or network level (Improvement for Impact strand) 

    • strengthening improvement practice across the education sector. We will learn the ways we are enlivening and advancing the field of improvement to grow and sustain our movement into the future (Leadership and Field building strand) 

    • leading the way with improvement methods. At the core of the methods session experience is an opportunity to deeply engage with a concept, tool, or practice and to apply the insights gained from this engagement to your own context. (Methods for improvement strand) 

  • Fireside Chats: Opportunities for attendees to hear and engage in deep conversations on issues that matter to improvers. No slide decks, just real talk. These chats are places for attendees to connect with luminaries, hear transformative stories, and ask questions. This is not a panel, but a free-flowing conversation where a pair of educational leaders interview one another and pursue their wonderings together.

  • Improvement Reviews: A powerful routine where improvement teams reflect on their data and learning, share a dilemma, and receive feedback from experts who can provide a fresh perspective and push. Come join this fish bowl-style session to experience this routine, learn more about a team’s work, and glean insights to inform your own improvement efforts.

  • Community gatherings: space to celebrate, imagine and muse about what our movement most needs now and the actions we plan to take, together.

  • Community Advisory: Intentional small-by-design sessions to connect with a group of kindred improvers through the three days of the conference, process experiences from Summit, and discuss, envision, plan, and act toward the future.

Stay tuned for information regarding:  

  • Networking Spaces

  • What to bring 

  • Summit Map

  • Menus

We are here to help. Contact us at SummitSpring2025@carnegiefoundation.org

National Summit on Improvement in Education 2025
From $1,000.00
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